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I have a package using LMA. The package has a free trial.

It seems that if an organization uninstalls and reinstalls the package, the free trial period is renewed. Thus making possible with an easy manipulation to have an infinitely long free trial period.


Is it normal or am I doing something wrong?

Is there a way to prevent this?





I'm trying to figure out why (or why not) I should include a remote access inside a package.


I'm developping a package that allows an external app to use some Salesforce data through the OAuth protocol.


So far the remote access is not included in the package and everything goes well (it also works with other developper accounts).

I hoped that including the remote access in the package would enable the administrator to authorize the remote access for all users when installing the package, but it doesn't seem to do that.


So, I don't see any difference from including the remote access in the package or not.


Any idea?




We'd like to implement SSO using Salesforce as the identity provider.

It seems this can be done in 2 ways:


Is this second option allowed by the AppExchange security review ? 



I have a package using LMA. The package has a free trial.

It seems that if an organization uninstalls and reinstalls the package, the free trial period is renewed. Thus making possible with an easy manipulation to have an infinitely long free trial period.


Is it normal or am I doing something wrong?

Is there a way to prevent this?

