• parul gupta
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We have custom objects and on those we have written approval processes. Currently we are migrating from one org(production) to another org(full sandbox) using data loader. We are able to insert the records but not able to get the approval history section related details for the records. How do we get that section ?



We have custom objects and on those we have written approval processes. Currently we are migrating from one org(production) to another org(full sandbox) using data loader. We are able to insert the records but not able to get the approval history section related details for the records. How do we get that section ?



We have custom objects and on those we have written approval processes. Currently we are migrating from one org(production) to another org(full sandbox) using data loader. We are able to insert the records but not able to get the approval history section related details for the records. How do we get that section ?