• Max Kennedy
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Hello, I have a validation rule in a visual flow that's not working. The validation rule is on a currency screen input called Total_Payment_Amount.

Here is the formula I'm using:

{!Total_Payment_Amount} = {!Get_Account_Info.Membership_Dues__c}

The error message should appear when {!Total_Payment_Amount}, which is the currency screen input that has the validation rule, does not equal {!Get_Account_Info.Membership_Dues__c}, which is a currency field on an account that is found in an earlier "Get Records" step.

However, I'm able to click "Next" and proceed to the next screen no matter what value I put in Total_Payment_Amount.

{!Get_Account_Info.Membership_Dues__c} is also displayed on the screen, so I can tell that a record has been found and the value of that field available for use on this screen.

If I change the validation rule to compare Total_Payment_Amount to a static value like 500, the validation rule works properly: I get an error if I try to put in an amount other than 500.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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