• Daniel Schröder
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i am busy customizing taskray for our company.

I have a problems/ questions which starts making me despair.
Would be really nice if someone can help me.

1) In salesforce there are 2 possibilities for the user to create a new task/ project.

a) "create new" / "Taskray Task"

User-added image

bi) Inside the register tab "My Board" / "Add a task and hit enter to Quick Add"

User-added image

Well, what I wanted to do is to customize the formula for entering a new task. (New fields, new layout, etc.)

So I go to the setup menu / Create / objects / and then Taskray Task.
There I can change the fields and the page layout.

Now coming to my problem: All changes will be only implemented if I create a new task by "way a"
If I click (way b) on "add a task and hit enter to quick add" the layout won't be completly changed.

So my questions is, where can I change the layout for way b?
