• steven_noble
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Hi there,


I did some Pascal programming in university two decades ago. Since then, haven't used much more than HTML, CSS, XML and AppleScript. In other words, I understand technology but I'm not a developer.


And yet now I find myself building an application on Force.com Sites, working solo in my own time.


I can teach myself Apex etc no problem. I can work through any glitches etc with the help of the boards. But I'm worried about the big issues: What if I write sloppy, insecure code accessing a slow, inflexible database?


I want to avoid the problems described here: http://wiki.apexdevnet.com/index.php/10_Common_Mistakes_Architects_Make


What basic, introductory, "big picture" books or resources would you recommend I absorb to get this stuff right from the start?

I'm working through the "Force.com Workbook". So far so good.


I'm up to Step 2 of the "Building A Custom User Interface With VisualForce" tutorial.


I've encountered my first problem.


Going to "https://na6.salesforce.com/apex/MyMileagePage" does give me a "Page MyMileagePage does not exist" error as expected. However, the error page does not look like the one illustrated in the cookbook and there is no "Create Page MyMileagePage" link.


Is there another simple way of creating the same page without forcing the error message? Perhaps via Setup > Develop > Pages?


Is there a tutorial as simple and strong as "Force.com Workbook" that walks you through that alternative process?


Many thanks in advance. 

With Force.com Site's URL masking, will the pages at companyname.force.com/dir_a and companyname.force.com/dir_b appear to be at companyname.com/dir_a and companyname.com/dir_b? Or will they appear to be at the top level of companyname.com, regardless of where they are in the site?
With Force.com Site's URL masking, will the pages at companyname.force.com/dir_a and companyname.force.com/dir_b appear to be at companyname.com/dir_a and companyname.com/dir_b? Or will they appear to be at the top level of companyname.com, regardless of where they are in the site?