• Karen Madigan
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  • Graybill Insurance Agency, Inc.

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I'm encountering an issue with a cross-object reference to a checkbox field that is driving me crazy. If anyone has a suggestion I'm all ears.

In my Flow I've done a Fast Lookup to an Account (HhAcctVar). This account has a parent account where I want to access a checkbox formula field (IsInactive__c).

The problem is that the cross-object reference to the field always returns the default value of the formula (ie. the false return value of an IF statement).

The problem isn't isolated to just checkbox formula fields. I've tested cross-object references to other types of formula fields (text, number, date) all with the same result, the default value is always returned.

User-added image
In this example you can see how I'm trying to access the fields (HhAcctVar.Parent.IsInactive__c for example). To help debug I've also looked up to the parent record and am showing the fields from that record (ClientAcctRec.IsInactive__c).

I presented this question to the Success Community, but so far the suggestion is to create additional "workaround" fields. This could be a big problem as I have many flows which access many object using cross-referencing.
https://success.salesforce.com/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g=0F9300000001omi&fId=0D53000002HqaVW&s1oid=00D300000000iTz&s1nid=0DB30000000072L&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&emtm=1445029379632&s1uid=0053000000A7Dl2&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0 (https://success.salesforce.com/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g=0F9300000001omi&fId=0D53000002HqaVW&s1oid=00D300000000iTz&s1nid=0DB30000000072L&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&emtm=1445029379632&s1uid=0053000000A7Dl2&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0)

Any ideas? Help, please!!!  :)
I have an auto-launched flow that is initiated by the Process Builder when a record is created or updated. It updates fields on two custom objects from data gathered from several objects. There are two lookups: one for each of the two custom objects. Although the flow works splendidly in the end-user environment, when there is a data insert/upsert (which occurs on a regular basis) the flow triggers the SOQL governor limit to be hit (I amm using Dataloader.io). Is there a way to keep this from happening?

Thank you.
I'm encountering an issue with a cross-object reference to a checkbox field that is driving me crazy. If anyone has a suggestion I'm all ears.

In my Flow I've done a Fast Lookup to an Account (HhAcctVar). This account has a parent account where I want to access a checkbox formula field (IsInactive__c).

The problem is that the cross-object reference to the field always returns the default value of the formula (ie. the false return value of an IF statement).

The problem isn't isolated to just checkbox formula fields. I've tested cross-object references to other types of formula fields (text, number, date) all with the same result, the default value is always returned.

User-added image
In this example you can see how I'm trying to access the fields (HhAcctVar.Parent.IsInactive__c for example). To help debug I've also looked up to the parent record and am showing the fields from that record (ClientAcctRec.IsInactive__c).

I presented this question to the Success Community, but so far the suggestion is to create additional "workaround" fields. This could be a big problem as I have many flows which access many object using cross-referencing.
https://success.salesforce.com/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g=0F9300000001omi&fId=0D53000002HqaVW&s1oid=00D300000000iTz&s1nid=0DB30000000072L&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&emtm=1445029379632&s1uid=0053000000A7Dl2&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0 (https://success.salesforce.com/_ui/core/chatter/groups/GroupProfilePage?g=0F9300000001omi&fId=0D53000002HqaVW&s1oid=00D300000000iTz&s1nid=0DB30000000072L&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&emtm=1445029379632&s1uid=0053000000A7Dl2&fromEmail=1&s1ext=0)

Any ideas? Help, please!!!  :)
What is the difference between fast update and records update in flows ? 
1) when we should use Fast Update & when we should use Records Update .
2) Benifits of each one .

Soumya Ranjan+
When performing a record lookup there doesn't seem to be the ability to perform an OR conditionals only ANDs. For example, when creating your filtering for a report, you can change the conditional action to a custom to filter for 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND (4 OR 5). However this type of custom conditional action is not available in Visual Flow. I've used the conditional DOES NOT EQUAL however that becomes combersome over the long haul. Here's an example:

Within our Campaign object we have a custom field (Campaign_Area_c) with the values of the country and the continental area -> US (united states), CA (canada), NA (north america). If the account is located in the US, then they should be able to see both US and NA related campaigns. 

Now is not so bad, however if you more than one set of these OR conditionals then you end with a visual flow that looks more spaghetti than anything else. Looking for ideas to tackle this issue cleanly.


I'm just getting started with flow, but I'm very experienced with Apex and VisualForce so many concepts are familiar to me. However, I'm having trouble understanding how cross-object field references (https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewHelpDoc?id=vpm_designer_crossobject_reference.htm&language=en_US) are supposed to work.

How do I use cross-object references in screens or conditions?

If I use a cross object reference in a screen such as {!order.Customer__r.Name}, I don't see anything. If I try and query a field like Customer__r.Name in a Fast Lookup, validation fails and the name gets erased. Likewise, if I try to use something like {!order.Customer__r.Name} in a decision, validation fails and that reference is erased.

I have a custom object called Order__c with a lookup called Customer__c which points to an Account. In other words, Order__r.Customer__c is an Account Id.

What's the easiest way to display a screen with the order name and the customer's name?

What I tried
1. Create a Fast Lookup to get the Order__c that assigns to a variable called order and fetches the order's Name. If I try to add Customer__r.Name to fields, the value doesn't validate and gets erased. Therefore, I just query Customer__c (an account Id) as the help article seems to imply I need to do.
2. I create a screen and try to reference {!order.Customer__r.Name} and I see nothing. The article seems to imply that Salesforce might magically query the needed but missing info, but that doesn't seem to work.

Of course, I can do another fast lookup to query an Account query Account.Id = order.Customer__c and assign that to a variable named customer, the access {!customer.Name}. However, I'm trying to figure out how cross-object references work in flow to hopefully simplify things.

1. What am I doing wrong?
2. Should cross-object references result in some data being queried automatically? How is the cross-object data supposed to come in?
3. Can you use cross-object references with related children / lists in addition to lookups?

I fully understand how to add additional fast lookups to my flows to get the necessary data and I'm try just trying to see if there's some cross-object reference magic that can take a few explicit steps out.


  • April 24, 2015
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