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I have read the CTI Developer guide and it says that i can download CTI Toolkit Code Package from Apex Developer Network.
I tried search around whole day but i could not find where i can download the mentioned file, can anyone please give me the link to download this file.
How can I create a tab that lists all activities?
This is the link that does this: https://na4.salesforce.com/home/actlist.jsp

Message Edited by CJDEVCONPRO on 07-12-2006 12:41 PM

Does anybody have a sample that shows how I can add a call log entry into the SForce database using a VB.NET application?
I have already build the forms, the SForce web references and I can log in successfully and retrieve a time stamp. but now, I want to programmatically add a call log into a contact or account.
Thanks in advance.
Can anybody tell me why I am getting a "405 Get not supported" error message? I have a simple form with two text boxes and a command button. When I click the command button (after entering my login creds) I simply want to open my SForce web space.

Here is my code:
Private Function login() As Boolean
Dim un As String = txtLogin.Text
If un.Length = 0 Then
Return False
End If
Dim pw As String = txtPassword.Text
If pw.Length = 0 Then
Return False
End If
'//Provide feed back while we create the web service binding
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "Creating the binding to the web service...")
'* Create the binding to the sforce servics
binding = New sforce.SforceService
'// Time out after a minute
binding.Timeout = 60000
'//Attempt the login giving the user feedback
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "LOGGING IN NOW....")
loginRes = binding.login(un, pw)
Catch e As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
'// This is likley to be caused by bad username or password
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & e.Message & ", please try again.")
Return False
Catch ex As Exception
'// This is something else, probably comminication
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & ex.Message & ", please try again.")
Return False
End Try
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "The session id is: " & loginRes.sessionId)
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "The new server url is: " & loginRes.serverUrl)
'//Change the binding to the new endpoint
binding.Url = loginRes.serverUrl
'//Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login
binding.SessionHeaderValue = New sforce.SessionHeader
binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = loginRes.sessionId
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & loginRes.sessionId)
loggedIn = True
Return True
End Function
I am trying to query an account number and when it is found I pop open Sforce. But when it is not found, I wish to do nothing.
the problem is I am getting an instance cannot be set error. Is this the correct way to check the records from the query? (See below)
Here is the code:

qr = binding.query("select id, accountnumber from Account where accountnumber = 1")

Dim bContinue As Boolean = True

Dim loopCounter As Integer = 0

While bContinue

loopCounter += 1

lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "Results Set " & Convert.ToString(loopCounter) & " - ")

For i As Integer = 0 To qr.records.GetUpperBound(0)

Dim c As sforce.sObject = qr.records(i)

Dim accountNum As String = getFieldValue("id", c.Any)

If accountNum Is Nothing Then



'Pop open SForce.com

End If

Is this search correct? I am getting an error stating it is a MALFORMED_SEARCH

Dim sr As sforce.SearchResult

sr = binding.search("find {" & strCallerData & "} in account fields returning " & _


I have a Select field and a Text field that I created in SForce. Now, the Select field has items populated in it. These items relate to an ItemID for each item. so it would look like this in a text file (For conversation here)
Cars -  1
Trucks - 2
Boats - 9
Trailers - 15
Motorcycles - 39
Now what the Select field has is just the Items and not the ID's. What I would like to have happen is the following:
When a user is editing an Account, and they select one of the items in the Select field, populate the text field just below it with the ItemID.
Is this possible and if so, how do I do it?
Hey all,
I am getting this notice in my log file from my app:
Any idea how to use it? Here is my current usage to open SalesForce with the Cases tab selected.

Process.Start(txtURL.Text & "?sid=" & loginRes.sessionId & "&retURL=/500/o")

What is the new way to use the new API URL?

I have added a custom field. It is a text field. Am I able to search on this field?
How can I do the following?

Dim qr As sforce.QueryResult = binding.query("Select Id, Name, AccountNumber from Account Where not AccountNumber = null") '<--AND Where AccountNumber = 1")

Is this possible?


Is there a way I can list all of my account ID's with main phone numbers into a List Box control?
I have a VB.NET app that I want to be able to open the New Contact page in SF.

I am trying this:

Process.Start("https://na1.salesforce.com/secur/frontdoor.jsp?sid=" & loginRes.sessionId & "&retURL=/003/e%26con10%3d" & TextBox1.Text)

But it is not working. I get redirected to a page that says the URL is no longer valid.

Any ideaS?
Does anybody have a document or the step by step process on how to change the CallTo paramenter in Windows?

I created an app that will dial a phone using TAPI.

I have created my custom text formula link in SF, I just now need to know how to change the pointer (CallTo) to my TAPI application.

Thanks in advance.
Hey all, I am working on a VB.NET application that other SalesForce subscribers may use.

do I need to create my application to have them download their WSDL file first or is there an URL that they can just type in to automatically download it so the application can run?
Hi all..

Here is my issue. I am trying to do a select by phone in SOQL.

Here is my command:
qr = binding.query("select phone from Account where phone = '9495551212'")

Is this even correct?

I am developing in VB.NET 2003.

Basically I want to be able to search by phone number based on user input.

How can I create a tab that lists all activities?
This is the link that does this: https://na4.salesforce.com/home/actlist.jsp

Message Edited by CJDEVCONPRO on 07-12-2006 12:41 PM

Does anybody have a sample that shows how I can add a call log entry into the SForce database using a VB.NET application?
I have already build the forms, the SForce web references and I can log in successfully and retrieve a time stamp. but now, I want to programmatically add a call log into a contact or account.
Thanks in advance.
Can anybody tell me why I am getting a "405 Get not supported" error message? I have a simple form with two text boxes and a command button. When I click the command button (after entering my login creds) I simply want to open my SForce web space.

Here is my code:
Private Function login() As Boolean
Dim un As String = txtLogin.Text
If un.Length = 0 Then
Return False
End If
Dim pw As String = txtPassword.Text
If pw.Length = 0 Then
Return False
End If
'//Provide feed back while we create the web service binding
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "Creating the binding to the web service...")
'* Create the binding to the sforce servics
binding = New sforce.SforceService
'// Time out after a minute
binding.Timeout = 60000
'//Attempt the login giving the user feedback
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "LOGGING IN NOW....")
loginRes = binding.login(un, pw)
Catch e As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
'// This is likley to be caused by bad username or password
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & e.Message & ", please try again.")
Return False
Catch ex As Exception
'// This is something else, probably comminication
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & ex.Message & ", please try again.")
Return False
End Try
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "The session id is: " & loginRes.sessionId)
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "The new server url is: " & loginRes.serverUrl)
'//Change the binding to the new endpoint
binding.Url = loginRes.serverUrl
'//Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login
binding.SessionHeaderValue = New sforce.SessionHeader
binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = loginRes.sessionId
lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & loginRes.sessionId)
loggedIn = True
Return True
End Function
I am trying to query an account number and when it is found I pop open Sforce. But when it is not found, I wish to do nothing.
the problem is I am getting an instance cannot be set error. Is this the correct way to check the records from the query? (See below)
Here is the code:

qr = binding.query("select id, accountnumber from Account where accountnumber = 1")

Dim bContinue As Boolean = True

Dim loopCounter As Integer = 0

While bContinue

loopCounter += 1

lstStatus.Items.Insert(0, Now() & " " & "Results Set " & Convert.ToString(loopCounter) & " - ")

For i As Integer = 0 To qr.records.GetUpperBound(0)

Dim c As sforce.sObject = qr.records(i)

Dim accountNum As String = getFieldValue("id", c.Any)

If accountNum Is Nothing Then



'Pop open SForce.com

End If

Is this search correct? I am getting an error stating it is a MALFORMED_SEARCH

Dim sr As sforce.SearchResult

sr = binding.search("find {" & strCallerData & "} in account fields returning " & _


Hey all,
I am getting this notice in my log file from my app:
Any idea how to use it? Here is my current usage to open SalesForce with the Cases tab selected.

Process.Start(txtURL.Text & "?sid=" & loginRes.sessionId & "&retURL=/500/o")

What is the new way to use the new API URL?

I have added a custom field. It is a text field. Am I able to search on this field?
How can I do the following?

Dim qr As sforce.QueryResult = binding.query("Select Id, Name, AccountNumber from Account Where not AccountNumber = null") '<--AND Where AccountNumber = 1")

Is this possible?


Is there a way I can list all of my account ID's with main phone numbers into a List Box control?