• aksTech1
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We have a custom CTI solution that was integrated with Salesforce Tookit 2.0.x and was working proerly. We have integrated our solution with Salesforce CTI Toolkit 4.0 and are having an issue with the Conference. Following describes the scenario:


1. Agent receives an incoming call.

2. Agent clicks on "Conference" button and selects the agent/phone# for the outbound call

3. Agent clicks on "Initiate Conference" 

At this time the incoming call is on line 1 and the outbound call is dialed on line 2. While the outbound call is not accepted (i.e., the phone is ringing for the other agent/phone num) the "Complete Transfer" button is visible on line 1. The "Complete Transfer" tab disappears as soon as the "other agent" answers the outbound call and line 1 is now put on hold. (and Converstaion on line 2 proceeds). Thus conferencing is no longer available after the outbound call is answered.


If the "Complete Transfer" button is pressed right when the outbound call is answered the conferencing works and all parties are connected.


Anybody experienced this kind of issue while integrating with CTI Toolkit 4.0? Any changes in thread timers, refreshing the UI, etc.? (while I dig our backend code for the RCA)






has anybody installed the CTI Demo adapter 4.00 and successfully got it working out of the box?


I have installed the Demo Adapter 4.00 on a windows 7 (64 bit) env. After I logon to the saleforce account, I see a "Connect CTI Adapter" on the left; however, nothing happens when I click on that (on both IE8 and Firefox 8). I was expecting that the softphone would be displayed when I click on the link. Is this a configuration issue? - do I need to modify the localhost  in the following line

<item sortOrder="5" name="reqAdapterUrl" label="CTI Adapter URL">http://localhost:11000</item>

in the DemoAdapter.xml file?


I also see the following in browser_connector.log

01/12/2012 10:17:21: BrowserHttpListener.Start: BrowserHttpListener has started listening.
01/12/2012 10:17:47: BrowserHttpListener.isValidRequest: API call failed due to urn:fault.partner.soap.sforce.com:API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG
Error message: API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG: API is not enabled for this Organization or Partner
StackTrace: at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at BrowserConnector.SFDCServiceReference.SforceService.getUserInfo() in C:\dev\app\clients\Salesforce_CTI\CTI-4\BrowserConnector\Web References\SFDCServiceReference\Reference.cs:line 1450
at BrowserConnector.ConnectionListener.BrowserHttpListener.isValidRequest(HttpListenerRequest request, NameValueCollection queryString) in C:\dev\app\clients\Salesforce_CTI\CTI-4\BrowserConnector\ConnectionListener\BrowserHttpListener.cs:line 267
01/12/2012 10:17:47: BrowserHttpListener.ProcessRequest: Ignore an invalid request from ::1:52369
01/12/2012 10:17:54: BrowserHttpListener.isValidRequest: API call failed due to urn:fault.partner.soap.sforce.com:API_DISABLED_FOR_ORG


Any help is appreciated.



Anybody faced issues while upgrading/integrating their custom code with CTIAdapter lib 3.0.1? Could you please share your experiences? Thanks


We had integrated with CTIAdapterLib v 2.0 by writing some custom code and this solution is working ok. Now, while integrating this custom code with CTIAdapterLib v 3.0.1, I am running into issues - after the softphone initialization and agent login, the "Line 1" is no longer clickable and the softphone dialpad does not show up. Any suggestions? Log excerpt follows:


07/20/2011 09:43:14: CHiddenInputHandler::OnPropertyChange: Command received: /AGENT_STATE?ID=AVAILABLE
07/20/2011 09:43:14: CBrowserEventHandler::launchAdapterThread: CMD_SEND_MESSAGE AGENT_STATE
07/20/2011 09:43:14: CAdapterLink::sendCommand: Command received AGENT_STATE
07/20/2011 09:43:14: Sending XML message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><MESSAGE ID="AGENT_STATE">
07/20/2011 09:43:14: CBrowserEventHandler::TransformBuffer: Creating XML from thread 4028.
07/20/2011 09:43:14: CIEEventHandler::UpdateSoftphone: Found softphone div, replacing inner html.


However, I do not see logs like

CHiddenInputHandler:OnPropertyChange: Command received: /TOGGLE_DIALPAD?LINE_NUMBER=1

Sending XML message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><MESSAGE ID="TOGGLE_DIALPAD"><PARAMETER NAME="LINE_NUMBER" VALUE="1"/></MESSAGE>


Is this because the event handling classes have changed in 3.0.1?


The 3.0.1 release notes say that a few CTIAdapterLib source and header files have changed - are these backward compatible with earlier versions?


