• Tomasz Oczapowski
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Getting an error during "Import" Challenge verification - reference error id: XYCOBVBM

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: XYCOBVBM
Hi Simon,
How would it take to create MacOS X friendly salesforce.com Data Loader?

I believe Excel Sforce connector relies on Apex Connect Outlook module which makes it very hard to move it to MacOS platform. However Data Loader uses API calls only and it's written in Java.

The latest Mac port is very old (dated June 23, 2005) and it does not "support user frienldy" GUI mode.


Message Edited by TomaszOczapowsk on 03-13-2007 10:38 PM

Getting an error during "Import" Challenge verification - reference error id: XYCOBVBM

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: XYCOBVBM
I'm doing the simple lightning components challenge and have hit this problem in my existing trailhead org and a brand new dev org that I've just created:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: QVWBQHAG
We have a client with number of batch integrations built using the Salesforce data loader.  The data loader is connecting to Salesforce through a proxy server.

Is the data loader affected by the change being rolled out to disable SSL encryption?

I want my native address book and native calendar to do bi-directional sync with Salesforce.  If I were on a PC, I'd have it for free.  Since I'm on a Mac, I have to do a 2400% price upgrade.

Well, that's not entirely true.  If I wanted to take a huge step *backwards*, I could install Entourage, and my Mac, but who wants a PC-compatible Mac?  That's laughable, and the reason I left my PC. But if I did take that giant step backwards, I could get Mac bi-sync for native address book and calendar just like the PC folks do.

But Macs have such nice integration to their own address book and calendar that I didn't want to break that integration just to get a better SF integration, so I went searching around on the net.

And I found Riva Integration Server.  It comes in two flavors: server software for the big (or old school) folks who want to buy/install/maintain/own their own software, and SaaS for the little (or new school) for folks who just want to use it as a service.

Hallelujah.  I've seen the promised land.  I'll drink the SF cool-aid.  I've got religion.  I've heard that cloud computing is the wave of the future!  So I signed up for the service.  Yeah.  

Aside: Riva Integration Servier even has a compelling technical architecture.  It is *not* an integration to my applications (iCal and Mail.app), so I don't even need to install anything (i.e. infect my computer).  It integrates via a protocol over the network.  A very common protocol: Exchange Server.  Yes.  Macs now have Exchange Server (as of 10.6, Snow Leopard).  That means that I can use a native Mac program (iCal or Mail) tto access any Exchange Server application.  In general, that's likely to be a corporate mail server, but (drum roll please) in the case of Riva Integration Server (wait for it. wait for it.  big crecendo), it *looks* like it's a mail server, but it *acts* like (big bass drum crash here) a bridge to Salesforce.  Brilliant!  By integrating at the protocol layer instead of the application layer (anyone remember their ISO stacks), they've pulled a major coup d' etat!  The Riva product can work for any Exchange Server product, including old-fashioned MSFT stuff, or new-fashioned Mac stuff.  They can host it in the cloud.  I can subscribe to the service and be a happy bi-directional syncing camper.

But... hold onto your seats.

I found that SF blocks my Riva access because I'm just a little guy, and even though they like little guys to bi-sync their MSFT address and calendar, they don't allow little guys to bi-sync their Mac address and calendar.  Full disclosure: I'm blurring the technical facts and stating the end effect.  I'l get back to the technology in a while, but let's jump to the economics.

Here's what I wanted:
  Salesforce Contact Manger: $5/month
  Riva Live Integration Server: $10/month

Here's what I have to do to get bi-sync integration:
  Salesforce Enterprise: $125/month
  Riva Live Integration Server: $10/month

Yup.  In order to integrate to native Mac address and calendar, I have to upgrade by 3 levels, skipping Group and Professional, and going directly to Enterprise, one level shy of Unlimited.  That's an insideous Mac integration surcharge for something that comes (albeit not so elegantly) for free with PCs!

So I called Salesforce, and heard (in effect):  "We can't let you use the Riva integration to bi-sync your address book and calendar because that would be giving away the whole API".

BUT..... I don't want the whole API.  I just want to bi-sync integration for my address and calendar, like the Microsofties do.  I just want a little, itty-bitty, tinsy-winsy hole through it to sync my address and calendar.  So I asked my Account Executive if she could flip the API bit, not for the full-blown API, but just for Riva Live Integration Server.

No dice.  No way.  No can do.  No way around it.  Pony up 25X (or at least 5X) your monthly investment, and you can have it for free.  :-0  

So.... I'm bummed.

$5 (or $25) Salesforce is the right size for me
$10 Riva Live bridge is the right size for me

It "feels" like there should be a way to make that work.

But.... SF can't (or won't) support this.

So.... If you're on a Mac, and you want native support for address book and calendar apps, there is still no solution.


Gee, it sure would be nice to have it as good as the MSFT folks have it.  ;-)

Salesforce product managers?  Anyone listening?  You don't need to develop this bi-sync integration:  Omni Technology has already done it for you.  You just need to live-and-let-live, and let SF and Mac live in harmony.  


With the Summer'10 release, the Report Builder also is able to edit Summary Reports. During June, we added Boolean filtering and conditional highlighting. As of June 28th, this excludes Matrix reports, and the ability to edit charts. Both of these should be added before September 2010.

I'm particularly interested in:

1) browser compatibility (for instance, we have found and corrected a set of look and feel bugs for IE6)

2) load time and feedback (where we have spent a lot of time optimizing for load-time performance, but still have some work to do on the treeview load time)

3) How you feel about interacting with the builder?


We are really shooting for feature parity with the wizard (i.e.. the Builder create or edit everything the builder can) over the next 2 months and for GA  (in Winter'11), but also we want to know requested changes - here, or on IdeaExchange.


Tom Tobin

  • June 28, 2010
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I installed the Salesforce App for the iPhone Emulator per the instructions found here:


iPhone Simulator


It installed correctly, and I have a Salesforce icon on my iPhone Emulator Home screen, but when I click it, the splashpage comes up, and then vanishes and I get an error saying "The application quit unexpectedly."


I am using a Mac OS X v10.5.7


Any help would be hot. 

Message Edited by Jim Boudreaux on 07-07-2009 10:08 AM
Being a newbie to the product I posted this query in the Excel Connector section. To those of you who use SF and Mac perhaps you can help ....

I use a Mac (iBook) using OX 10.4.8 My partners use PC's.
We have thousands of business cards which need to be scanned using IrisCard. It seems to me that IrisCard (IrisScan) is a bit limited in the types of file formats I can create. SF likewise is limited, accepting only .csv files. I do not use Outlook and since it appears SF does not work in a simple way with Entourage, it seems my only choice is to get the scanned data into an Excel file and map all fields to match SF. Which to my untutored mind is a whole lot of work and not a lot of fun.

Does anyone have experience with Mac's, SF, and importing business cards? And have you found a simpler or more direct way to get this info into SF? And will you tell me how?!?